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Cancellation Policy

We hope you will love your membership and will agree that the value far outweighs the investment. However, if for some reason you need to cancel or suspend your membership, below is our cancellation policy:

Annual subscriptions are non-refundable and will automatically renew on the first day of the 13th month for another 12 months unless or until you cancel the subscription. You must cancel your subscription with written or email notice. We will confirm receipt of your cancellation. If you do not receive a receipt, you may assume we have not received your request. If you cancel before the 12 months have expired, you will still have access to the contents of the training portal until the end of your current subscription at which time your access will expire.

Monthly subscriptions may be cancelled with 30 days’ notice either in writing or via email. We will confirm receipt of your cancellation. If you do not receive a receipt, you may assume we have not received your request. You will have access to the contents of the training portal until the end of your 30-day notice after which time your access will expire.

You may renew your membership subscription at any time at the current subscription rates.